- we follow safe recruit practices and choose people with good attitude and behaviour that matches our organisational values and purpose
- there are always enough staff on duty with the skills needed to make sure everyone is safe
- our staff are supported and supervised by very experienced senior staff and managers
- our homes are clean and very well maintained and managers look for ways to improve safety
- we have plans in place that address any emergency situation
- we understand the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act / DoLS
- risks are managed appropriately
- all staff are trained in MAPA (Management of Actual or Potential Aggression)
- we protect everyone from being bullied, harassed, neglected, harmed or abused
- staff manage incidents and accidents quickly and openly and they learn from mistakes
- we follow current and relevant guidance in the management of medicines
- everyone’s belongings are kept safe and secure in their own personalised rooms

Our most recent survey asked parents and advocates to answer questions and rate our services under the 5 Key Question areas this is the result for SAFE:
“Care staff understand when to step in but also encourage independence.”
“Staff constantly look at ways to improve life skills…with a high level of support.”
“Botts Farm is the safest place for my son to be, an ideal balance to keep him safe and happy.”
“The complaints policy is available, safeguarding procedures are well implemented.”
“My son’s carers are quick to spot any health concern and are quick to intervene.”
“My son’s incidents have decreased due to excellent behaviour management by staff.”
- Very Happy
- Happy
- Satisfied
- Unhappy
- Very unhappy